Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's crazy, but we still
believe about dream. You can dream anything, but you have to detail your dream. Dream bring you to a good daily atitude, good spirit, and a conviction. Sometimes you despair about your dream, actually God have listened to your dream, and He has prepared a good time for realizing your dream. Many thinks that dream just a nonsense thing, but we always believe about dream, because dream doesn't come true at once you dream. It starts to come it true when we always imagine it, motivated by it, and finally give it up to God. So, please welcome to your better thing, iDream......

*First writing about iDream

My Work Dream in 2012

1. New Reporting System for BI succesfully implemented in March 2012
2. Application Made by Hendra implemented in February 2012
3. Application for Export Transaction implemented in February 2012
4. SOP for Islamic Bank Monthly Report accomplished by June 2012
5. BSM for The Best LLD Reporter Bank in 2012
6. Application Review on Islamic Bank Monthly Report implemented Februari 2012
7. Free-Charge for Audit Sept 2011
8. A Concept for Branch Information System 2012